
Aubri Black


And not just any bookshelf, my book is now available at the Indigo-Chapters location in Langley, BC! It can be found in the Local Author and the Abuse section. Currently they have a display table of local author books and it is on there too. I’m very excited about this! Many times I walked into that exact store and dreamed about one day seeing my book there. Now that dream is a reality. More than seeing my book on the shelf though, I am thrilled with the possibility that more people might read it. (Because of that I must resist the urge to check online to see if I have sold any copies…) Abuse awareness is really important to me. I want to continue to get the word out there about what it looks like. My memoir is easy to read and reads like a novel. It’s written in chronological…

Last year I asked people what questions they had for someone who has been in an abusive relationship. Here’s one: “Were there any phrases or statements you made to others while in that relationship that were meant to be a cry for help? What things can we be listening for in others?” Note: I will use he as the pronoun for the abusive person and she as the victim because that was my experience. Unfortunately many women who are in covertly abusive relationships don’t know they are being abused so there might not be an obvious cry for help. Things will be more subtle. The most important thing you can do is educate yourself on the signs of abuse and the mindset of an abusive person. To answer this question I would like to first say that an abusive person will brainwash his spouse in such a sneaky way that…

I’ll let you in on a secret⁠… until I threw my own book launch party (with the help of my talented event-planning sister), I had never been to a book launch before. It was likely the first one for many of the people there too. It was a lot of fun! I’m so grateful for everyone who came. It meant a lot to me. I heard positive things from people who attended, which was great. I wish I could have talked more to everyone who came. It’s crazy to be in a room where I am the only one who knows every person. People started to arrive just before 6:30pm. At 7pm, my sister introduced me. She mentioned the importance of stories and I reiterated the same sentiment in my speech. Stories are important. They change us. Shape us. Move us. Inspire us. Grow us. A story can have a…

June 1st is World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day (WNAAD). #ifmywoundswerevisible Narcissistic abuse is hard to see if you don’t know what to look for. It is covert and thrives in silence. Awareness is important. Once you know what this kind of abuse looks like, you can protect yourself. (You can also check to make sure you are treating other people well!) We can’t change anyone else, but we can educate ourselves on what is healthy and what is toxic and choose health. “Narcissistic abuse does not usually include forms of physical abuse with physical signs like bruises. The signs of narcissistic abuse are invisible, which makes it much harder to identify. The abuse is more ambiguous and difficult to prove, but it is no less damaging because it’s a form of spiritual rape. Over time, the abuse chips away at the target’s self-confidence and self-esteem. The target isn’t even aware…

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” – Sydney J. Harris I’m trying not to panic while fending off overwhelm and anxiety by the number of things I need to do in order to launch a book. I feel like I don’t have time or energy or space for anything else, which is probably exactly when I need to take an intentional break. I’m learning everything about launching a book for the first time. June is getting closer and closer! And I feel like I’m doing nothing and everything at the same time. One minute I think: I got this. The next? Utter despair. In some ways, the writing of the book feels easy compared to trying to launch it. Fear is telling me what is the point of any of this, don’t even try. And I want to give up and just pretend I…