


Writing a memoir is not for the faint of heart. Have you ever been so angry that you can’t think straight, and you just start swearing at your computer screen? I have. When I first started writing a memoir, I had something to prove. I wanted anyone and everyone to know just how badly I had been treated in my first marriage. I was very angry. And rightly so, but what I have learned is that angry writing isn’t always helpful writing. As a reader, when you read something, you don’t want the words to be yelling at you. A while back I heard someone say: you will know when you are ready to share your story with the world when you don’t have something to prove. It’s the idea that you are in a good place with something when you no longer have to prove it.   There have been…

Possibly the most hurtful part of my sexual assault was the church that failed me in the aftermath. A place that had been my home, people who had professed friendship, kinship, sisterhood, and family left me as so much collateral damage. I get it, I do. I know I wouldn’t shut up about it and it wore on you all. I get it, he denied it and what could you do? Uhhhh, a lot more than the nothing that resulted. A lot more than telling me, it can’t be about what he did, but about how you felt. I’m assuming that you, as a rational blog reader, see how ILLOGICAL that is, right? trauma isn’t so neat as two solid cry fests and then BAM! Healed! It’s just, trauma isn’t so neat as two solid cry fests and then BAM! Healed! It isn’t so neat as ‘write him a letter about…