A happier outlook is calling. Here are five things to consider when happiness is on the line. It’s time to answer the call.

Remember you are the expert on your own life.

You are the one responsible for your actions. You are also the one who gets to reap any benefits. That knowledge lets you off the hook to not listen to bad advice. Certain things work for certain people, and they might work for you or they might not. Either way, you don’t have to listen to everything you hear. You get to choose!

Your friends care about you, that is why they give you advice. Be thankful you have friends that care. Listen to them. Be respectful. Then remember that you don’t have to apply what they say to your situation.

See other people’s success as a good thing.

It is far too easy to fall into envy and jealousy, but those things will just make you miserable. No one wants to be miserable. When you hear about someone’s success, be thrilled for them, encourage them, get excited. Another person’s success shows us the world of possibilities.  

Someone else’s success doesn’t mean you won’t be successful. You are on your own path and you are taking a different way to get wherever you are going. There’s nothing wrong with that.  

Another person’s opinion: take it or leave it.  

If you care too much about what others think, you can let that change you for the worse. The good news is that what they think doesn’t change who you are. You are you. Someone can think whatever they want and you can take it or leave it. You get to decide what to dwell on, what to care about, etc.

On the flip side, if you care about someone and they say something good about you, think about that! Let that change you, in a good way. Sometimes it can be hard to see ourselves in a positive light, so let other people–who know you well–do that for you.

Start using could instead of should.

Find ways to be content with whatever situation you are in. You can be a optimist while still seeing the reality of a situation, and knowing what would and wouldn’t be good to do. When you look at the world through the lens of possibility and thinking of how things could be, it expands your view. If you look through the lens of this is how things should be. You limit yourself. Instead of saying, “I should do this” and “I should do that”, start saying “I could do this” and “I could do that.” Should implies you are already failing. Could reminds you that you are capable.  

For example, you might say, “My workplace should be like this.” And that may cause you to be angry that it isn’t that way. If you said, “My workplace could be like this.” That instead can motivate you to play a role in creating positive change. The should thinking claims defeat right away, but could thinking allows for growth.

As my husband says, “With a could be attitude, greatness is just around the corner.”

Build your confidence.

There are so many good things about you. It’s time to remember what those are. Confidence starts with having a healthy view of yourself. You can hold both what you want to work on in your life, and the good things about you at the same time. Write a list of the things that you know are true about who you are. If you don’t know, ask a friend.   

If you are already confident, teach others, build them up. Most importantly be real. Comments based on nothing don’t stick. However, a real compliment from a friend can boost your confidence and remind you of who you are. Do that for others!

So there you go, five things you can start doing today. Happiness is calling, will you answer?


I love to write. One of my favourite things to do is read books. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I like foxes and drinking tea. I'm passionate about empowering women to find their voice and live their best lives.

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